The 33 hour sanctuary is a 'soft getaway and meet yourself' haven for auteur artists to come and separate themselves from all the noise and be around people who are just as unique, quirky, intense or deep.
The why question of 33 hour sanctuary -
We started this to bring people together. A lot of people are doing it at the moment yes but this sanctuary starts its first chapter to bring together auteur artists from everywhere to spend time together, listen, learn and become each other's solid strongest support system. We preach and practice that it is easier to rise and sustain together.
33 hour sanctuary explained by the hosts

33 hour sanctuary - Location of chapter 1

What is it exactly? I am not lazy I can read
The sanctuary takes form in multiple places and it is an escape and safe haven for artists who make poetry through words, visuals, sketches, paint, film, music, dance and has a world to talk about inside of them.
When you come to the sanctuary you become part of it and the together we talk about each other's art. If you are not so much into the 'talking', then you can show us your work or you can just chill. We will often sit together and speak freely our thoughts, our vulnerabilities and insecurities and we will remain kind and compassionate and learn that as artists we can help and understand each other better than most.
The sanctuary lasts for 33 hours each time it happens.
So what does 33 hour sanctuary look like during the 33 hours.
"Lot of soul, indie and soft groovy music. It's like a lowkey-lofi camping-festival-gathering type of space, but lot of healing and sharing happens. A soft short escape, nothing fancy or cliche. Nothing forced.
Everyone's meeting everyone. Some of us click immediately, some of us are slower and cynical so we wait it out. But everyone wants to know about you, cares to understand what you do and why. We all allowed each other to spill our minds, vent and rant and feel at ease. FOOD!!! Oh hey and there is a make-do venting booth out there even and anyone can use it.
Often times everyone comes together. Sometimes, some of us are reading our own poetry for the rest of them to listen to and they seem to appreciate poetry and want to know more about it. Ah then there is FOOD. Some of us zone out for a recharge when we sit to share silence together, some of us are slightly napping until the next thing happens. A lot of us has really exciting ideas we want to collaborate on work together on.
There are a few dancing at times and there was a blindfold wearing vulnerability sharing thingy and there is soft music to dance to, but it might very well be the first time some of them danced around anyone. Someone's playing music. FOOD. At one point of time we all came together to form a circle and someone's talking and it becomes interactive. Then the talk ends, everyone is talking and sharing.
A few of them could not stop laughing. At times it felt like a super chill support group. FOOD. Someone sang, someone moonwalked randomly. No one judges, no small talks, plenty of awkwardness but never uncomfortable. It's all thoughtful deep conversations when it happens. But then someone was talking about tea. One of us started drawing randomly it was amazing.
They did not talk much but oh boy did their art talk? Some of us looked like we were always friends. Everything had a very fluid dreamy mood. It felt like being alone comfortably while having solid and warm company. It was a super chill quiet and comfy gathering of these introverted artists, neuro-divergents, dreamers, visionaries, filmmakers, an array of ADHD spectrums and more.
We were also interviewed to talk about work and what an artist life is to us and it would be used to promote us.
The space is comfy, separated and very artist friendly. There was rooms and dormitories and food and the space was far from the madding crowd. There was enough bathrooms too yes."